Database driver

Database driver

In order for InterFormNG to connect to a database, it needs a JDBC driver for the particular database type. The driver comes in the form of a .jar file which can usually be downloaded from the database vendor's website.


If the JDBC driver is missing, then you might get the error message:

Connection failed, error: No suitable driver is found for xxxx.


You need to use a driver version that is compatible with Java 8 (JDBC v4.2).

The driver .jar file should be placed in the folder <INTERFORMNG2-INSTALL-LOCATION>/jre/lib/ext. The InterFormNG2 service needs to be restarted before the driver can be used.


JDBC driver for AS400/iSeries/IBM i

On the AS400 platform you can find the jdbc driver as the jt400.jar file in the IFS in the path:




JDBC driver for MS SQL server

The JDBC driver for MS SQL Server can e.g. be downloaded via this link:


This will download a zip file. After unzipping the file you can find the JDBC driver as the file: mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre8.jar


You can then install it as described below.


Install the JDBC driver

You need to stop and start the InterFormNG2 service after installing a JDBC driver.


On the Windows platform you should place the jdbc driver inside the subdirectories /jre/lib/ext of where InterFormNG2 is installed. That is default:

C:\Program Files\InterFormNG2\jre\lib\ext


On other platforms you should place the jdbc driver inside the directory of the JDK (Java Development Kit), that is used for InterFormNG2.

On the IBM i platform it can e.g. be: /QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/JavaVM/jdk80/64bit/jre/lib/ext

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