Documents library

Documents library

Documents library :

The documents section in the Library of InterFormNG2 contains the input documents (xml files and loaded spooled files), that can be used in the designer.


Two input file types are covered in the sections below:


Load an xml (or other input) file in the documents library

Load a spooled file in the documents library


The document folder of the library is only meant for input files with the extensions .xml and .splf. If you manage to save files with other file extensions in this folder (or subfolders to this), then these files are not shown in InterFormNG2. If you want to upload other files than .xml and .splf to InterFormNG2, then you should first consider if the file falls into the category of other resources (and use that) and if not, you should consider to upload the file into the others library instead.


Also please notice that some files in the document library may be hidden if you are running InterFormNG2 with a license, which does not cover the specific input file type. If you e.g. only have a license code, which includes the xml file type and not .splf, then all files with extension .splf in the document library are not shown.

Load a file in the documents library :

You need to select the Library tab in the top of the InterFormNG2 interface, in order to load a file into the documents library:




Now you click the Documents icon:




Now you can click into the sub-folder you want, if you want to load the file into a specific sub-folder. In this example I choose to load the file into the Demo folder:




You click the Upload icon on the left, after you have selected the folder, that you want to load the file into. Now you are asked for what file(s) to upload. Simply select them and click Open:




After uploading you should see this:




If the file(s) already exist in the Library folder, then you will see this:




This files are not loaded, but you can force an overwrite of the existing resource, if you click the marked arrow on the right. If you do, then you get a new pop up window to confirm, that the file(s) really was uploaded like shown on the previous image.

Load a spooled file in the documents library :

You need to select the Library tab in the top of the InterFormNG2 interface, in order to load a spooled file into the documents library.

A prerequisite to load a spooled file is, that you are running InterFormNG2 on the IBM i platform.

The procedure is described below and it is also covered in this video:




Now you click the Documents icon:




Now you can click into the sub-folder you want, if you want to load the spooled file into a specific sub-folder. In this example I choose to load the spooled file into the Demo folder:




You click the Upload Splf icon on the left, when you have selected the folder, that you want to load the spooled file into:




Now you need to type in the name of the output queue and the library in which the output queue is placed:




- and click Show spooled files to view the list of all spooled files on the relevant output queue:




Now you simply click on the spooled file, that you want to load, and then this is shown:





Here you have these fields:


Resource name

The name to use for the uploaded spooled file. The default name is the same as the spooled file name, but you can change it to what you want (any existing file with that name will be overwritten without a warning). It is highly recommended to keep the extension .splf as InterFormNG2 is using that to identify the loaded file as a spooled file.


Code page

The EBCDIC code page to use for the load of the spooled file.


Storage format

This specifies the version or format in which the spooled file contents is to be stored. The version 2.0 is recommended. Please note, that the version should be the same as used later in the workflow e.g. in From IBM i output queue.


Limit page range

As default this is not activated and the whole spooled file is loaded. If you however only want to load a subset of the spooled file pages, then you can with this feature select only a page interval of the spoooled file pages. In this case the selected spooled file is 4 pages, so the suggestion is to load all 4 pages, but this can be changed. This can e.g. make it easier to focus on a few specific pages in the input spooled file, when you design a template. The default values are the page range interval of the input spooled file.


The spooled file is loaded with the settings, when you click Import to library.

Now you can continue to load the spooled file as a sample file in the designerAfter you have loaded the spooled file it is possible to download the .splf file and upload it onto another installation of InterFormNG2 running on Windows and then do your template (design) on a Windows PC without access to any IBM i.


    Notice: Help Center Transition Update

    As of January 13, 2025, we are excited to announce that our new Help Center is in the final stages of development. While the Knowledge Base is already accessible, our current JIRA system will continue to manage support tickets during this transition period. For assistance with InterForm Output Management Software, please refer to the Support for InterForm Output Management Software.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance your support experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out via the existing support channels.

    Best regards,
    The InterForm Support Team

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