Email details

Email details

This advanced set meta data workflow component, Email details sets various email details of the next email, that is sent.


Email details has these parameters:




Email to

The receiver(s) of the email. Multiple receivers should be separated with a semi colon (;).


Email subject

The subject of the email.


Email server

Here you need to refer to one of the email server (SMTP) definitions, that is setup in the InterFormNG2 configuration.


Email from

The email address, that is setup as the sender of the email.


Email CC

Optional CC (Carbon Copy) receiver(s) of the email. Multiple receivers should be separated with a semi colon (;).


Email BCC

Optional BCC (Blind Carbon Copy) receiver(s). Multiple receivers should be separated with a semi colon (;).


Email reply to

The email address setup as the reply to address.

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