Enable AS400 commands in InterFormNG2

Enable AS400 commands in InterFormNG2

One of the prerequisites for calling functions in InterFormNG2 via commands on the IBM i platform is, that you have enabled AS400 commands in the InterFormNG2 configuration.


It is possible to setup InterFormNG2 to run the commands on another machine or another platform from the IBM i. You just need to ensure, that you have a valid license for the base, that is running on the IBM i platform.


InterFormNG2 will not execute any AS400 command requests, if AS400 commands are not enabled.


To enable the AS400 commands you need to edit the configuration file, application-default.properties. It is highly recommended to save a copy of the file before you edit it.


On the IBM i platform you find the application-default.properties files in the IFS inside: /iformng2/InterFormNG-shell/Core.


On the windows platform you find the configuration file inside: C:\Program Files\InterFormNG2


To enable AS400 commands you need to add this line to the properties file:



So after the edit your file might contain these lines:






Important: Remember to restart the InterFormNG2 service after changing the configuration file. The changes are activated after the next restart. On the IBM i platform you restart the InterFormNG2 service by stopping and starting the subsystem, IFORMNG2/IFORMNG2. The procedure for the Windows platform is covered in this section.

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