The license code

The license code

This section covers the license code for InterFormNG2. InterFormNG2 will not run without a license code. It is however possible to start the InterFormNG2 service, so you can request a test license via a browser.


The license topics are these:

  1. Request a test license
  2. Copy system information for a license key request
  3. Install a license key or file
  4. How to insert an emergency license code
  5. Update an online license
  6. How to delete a license
  7. How to solve missing machine information on a Windows machine
  8. High Availability (HA) support e.g. for the IBM i platform. Add multiple licenses
  9. See the total number of printers installed

Request a test license

When you install and start InterFormNG2 for the first time, you can register and get a 7 day trial licence, which you can request during the installation. A trial license has all features enabled. You can also request and install a license via the web interface. InterFormNG2 will not run without a license code.

You can request a trial license via the web interface if no license file is found. This is described below.

When you decide to order a license to run InterFormNG2, you need to provide some information about your installation; either directly during installation, via the web interface or by email. Beside providing your personal details you should provide some technical information as well.

The simplest way to find this information is via the web interface. For that you need to ensure, that the InterFormNG2 service is started and that you use the right port number and http or https, when accessing the web interface.

You need to sign on as a system administrator to install a license code:



After signing on as the administrator you now need to select System Admin:




Now you need to select SETTINGS on the top ribbon and LICENSING on the left like shown below:


Then you will see a screen like below



If you want to request a 7-day test license, then you can click the REQUEST TEST LICENSE icon above.


When you click the icon above, then you see this pop up window:



Type in your contact information and press SEND REQUEST on the bottom right to request a test license.


If InterFormNG2 is able to reach the InterForm license server, then the license will be downloaded and installed.

This may not be possible if e.g. your server has no access to the Internet.


The window looks like below while the license server is contacted and a license code is being downloaded:



After the download and install the license screen is updated:



If your machine is unable to reach the InterForm license server, then you can instead request a license code and install the received license as a file.

Copy system information for a license key request

In order to request a license key or license code you need first to copy the system information. It is VERY important, that the system information is not copied as an image as entering data from an image may cause typos and an wrong license key/license file.


There are 3 ways the system information can be identified and included in a request for a license code/license file:

  1. Copy and paste the system information as text
  2. Refer to the license number (This is only an option if the machine information is unchanged)
  3. Refer to the short code found via a QR code (for offline machines only)

Copy and paste the system information as text

The system information can e.g. be found with the Copy system information icon:

If you click this icon, then the system information is copied into the clipboard as text and you can then paste this text into an email for the license request.

Alternatively you can also mark the system information in the left column and copy that as text:

Refer to license number

If the machine information is unchanged you can also refer to the license number, which is found in the top of the screen, but there are multiple license codes, then you need to make sure, that you are referring to the right one:

Refer to the short code found via a QR code (for offline machines only)

If the machine on which InterFormNG2 is running does not have access to the InterForm license server (reachable via www), then the license screen will look like below:

For this scenario you can now also choose to scan the barcode on the left with your mobile phone (provided the phone has access to the internet).

You can click the magnifying glass below the barcode to make it a bit bigger.


When you scan the barcode the InterForm license server will receive the machine information on your phone you will see a text similar to this:

Report the following letters to InterForm: XXXXXX

The XXXXXX characters is a short code for the license, which InterForm employees can use to find your machine data as shown on the license screen.


The machine information should be included in your email when you request a new license code/license file.

Install a license key

If InterFormNG2 has access to the InterForm license server, then you will see this in the top of the license screen:


That means, that you can enter (or paste) a license key instead of installing a license file as described below:

On the license screen you need to scroll down to the bottom to see this: 



To install a license key you click the ONLINE LICENSE KEY tab as shown above, copy and paste or type in the license key, and then press REGISTER LICENSE ONLINE to register the installation to start using the license key. Internet access and a connection to the InterForm license server is required.

Install a license file

This section describes how to install a license file in InterFormNG2 (instead of a license key as above).

On the license screen you need to scroll down to the bottom to see this: 



To install a license file you click the LICENSE FILE tab as shown above. Now click the CHOOSE FILE icon, select your license file and click UPLOAD LICENSE FILE.

Install an emergency license code

In extremely rare cases you might need to install an emergency license code. Such a license code will be provided by InterForm A/S if needed. A prerequisite for an emergency license key is, that the InterForm license server is reachable (if it is, then it is shown in the top if the license screen). The emergency license key is installed like a normal license key, but when you will see this pop up after the license key has been applied:

So as you can see you will then be able (temporarily) to use all functionality in InterFormNG2. You can also see that an emergency license has been installed in the top of the screen:

Update an online license

If your machine is able to reach the InterForm license server, then you can get an update to the license (e.g. after puchasing an additional module) if you first click on the license in the top of the license screen and then click on the icon, Reload from server:

Delete a license

It is possible to install multiple licenses on an installation. An extra license can e.g. be used temporarily to test a special module, which you have not purchased. After you are done with an extra license code you may choose to delete this temporary license. That is done by first clicking on the license in the top and then Remove license:


Missing machine information in the license screen.

If you are running InterFormNG2 on the Windows platform, then you might get a license issue, and when you verify the license on the license screen then the machine information is missing on the left like below:



The most likely reason is, this:

InterFormNG2 need to have access to the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service in Windows in order to access the hardware information.

The service is either stopped or some user rights denies access to WMI.

You can verify if this service is running if you open the services app and verify this:



You can also open a command prompt and try the command: WMIC, then the reply should be as below:

Microsoft Windows [Version xx]

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.





Here you can see a prompt an no error.

You can also setup the InterFormNG2 service to run under a specific user with admin rights. To do that you can right click on the service and select Properties:



Then you select the LogOn tab, where you can specify a user and password for the service:



You can also verify the current license file. If this license file empty/null, then you should delete or move the file to another folder and try again.

The license file is found in the folder: C:\ProgramData\InterFormNG2\profiles\default\settings and is named license.xml

(This folder can be changed into something else during installation, so this path can be different).

Add multiple license keys

InterFormNG2 can e.g. run on IBM i machines that are using High Availability software. That means, that the machine information is not fixed and the machine data like e.g. the serial number of the machine may suddenly change when/if the processing moves to another machine.


A way to make this shift possible without any license issues you can install two (or more) license keys to ensure, that both machines are covered. So you simply install multiple licenses and you can see the list of licenses over the license screen as marked in the top of the screen shot below:


Number of registered printers

You license code may include support for a limited number of printers. In order to avoid license issues it is a good idea to verify how many printers, that you are current using compared to the total number of licensed printers.

You can see the numbers on the license screen under Printer count:


On the left you can see in which tenant the printers are defined and on the right there is a blue arrow. If you click this blue arrow the all the defined printers for this tenant is shown:

    Notice: Help Center Transition Update

    As of January 13, 2025, we are excited to announce that our new Help Center is in the final stages of development. While the Knowledge Base is already accessible, our current JIRA system will continue to manage support tickets during this transition period. For assistance with InterForm Output Management Software, please refer to the Support for InterForm Output Management Software.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance your support experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out via the existing support channels.

    Best regards,
    The InterForm Support Team

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