Configure a remote client

Configure a remote client

You can configure a remote client after you have installed and run a remote client for the first time.


After that you can configure the remote client:


The remote output client can be configured by modifying the file <INTERFORMNG2_HOME>/profiles/default/settings/remote_output_settings.json


The file is created automatically when the service is started for the first time. The default configuration is:



 "protocol" : "https",

 "host" : "localhost",

 "port" : 8086,

 "tenant" : "home",

 "locationId" : "Default",

 "username" : "default",

 "password" : "password",

 "notifier" : null




"protocol" can be "http" or "https" and this should match how the main application web interface is accessed.


Host and Port

"host" and "port" should match the host and port for the main application web interface.

NOTE: You should probably change the value into 8086, to match the port number used for InterFormNG2.


"tenant" must be the name of the tenant to connect to. This is required when using notifications. If notifications are not used and the user only has access to one tenant, then it can be left out.



If multiple remote output clients (for the same tenant) are installed in different locations, and should pick up different outputs, then the "locationId" should specify the location of this remote client. Only outputs sent to this location id will be picked up by the client.

If only one remote output location is needed, then this is best left at "Default".


Username and password

"username" and "password" must be the username and password of the user that will be used to authenticate with the main application (as described above). That means, that this user and password need to be defined on the InterFormNG2 host on the selected tenant. This user need to be specified on the tenant of the host with the user roleweb service.



If notifications are enabled on the main application and on the tenant that this client connects to, then the client needs to be configured with notifier settings.

After "notifier", replace null (in the example above) with:



 "host": "localhost",

 "port": 8100,

 "accessPassword": "password",

 "keystorePath": "internal:remoteoutput.jks",

 "keystorePassword": "password"




"host" should be the same as above (maybe we can remove this, since it seems to be duplicate).



"port" should be the port that was configured as notifier port in the main application settings.



"accessPassword" should be the password configured as remote output notifier access password on the tenant settings.


KeystorePath and password

"keystorePath" and "keystorePassword" should point to the same keystore as the main application system settings for notifications.


After changing the settings, the remote output client service may need to be restarted (if it failed to connect with the previous settings, it will actually automatically retry with the new ones).


Check the log to verify that the remote client is able to connect to the host.

    Notice: Help Center Transition Update

    As of January 13, 2025, we are excited to announce that our new Help Center is in the final stages of development. While the Knowledge Base is already accessible, our current JIRA system will continue to manage support tickets during this transition period. For assistance with InterForm Output Management Software, please refer to the Support for InterForm Output Management Software.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance your support experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out via the existing support channels.

    Best regards,
    The InterForm Support Team

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