If you wish to store output files generated by InterFormNG2 on external servers, there are several options available, as outlined here.
One option is to gain access via a remote client, which requires purchasing a specialized Remote client module.
One reason you might choose to use remote clients is if you need to print at remote sites that aren’t directly connected via e.g. a VPN connection.
A prerequisite is that remote clients (at the remote sites) must be able to access the InterFormNG2 host through the firewalls using the designated port (typically port 8086).
With remote clients, you can:
Send emails through a mail server located at a remote site.
Print to printers that are defined only at a remote location.
Save files to remote locations.
It is possible to connect multiple remote locations with a single InterFormNG2 installation. You just need to install a remote client on each location and refer to the specific location/client on the output in InterFormNG2.
To set up remote clients with InterFormNG2, you need to take the following steps:
Download the remote client from InterForm. You can obtain the download link by contacting InterForm support.
Decide for/create a keystore and copy the same keystore file to the server running InterFormNG2 as well as the servers, that are running the remote clients.
Create a user profile (if you are not using an existing user), that is a user of the related tenant. The user role(s) must include web services for the related tenant.
Enable remote client on the system settings. Here you specify the keystore used for remote clients.
Enable remote client connections in the tenant settings and setup a specific password for the remote clients that are to connect to this specific tenant.
Download and install the remote client(s).
Start the remote client(s) for the first time.
Configure the remote client(s).
Start and Stop the remote client and verify the connection in the log of the remote client.
It’s recommended to initially configure a new setup without enabling notifications on both the host and remote client (make sure not to include the notification settings in the remote client configuration file at this stage). In the second step, you can enable notifications once you’ve confirmed that the client can successfully sign on.
You can also check out the system log of InterFormNG2, if you have a problem with the communication/connection.
Notifications is a feature, that you can optionally activate on the configuration of the remote client. Without notifications the remote client will contact the host once a minute. This means, that without notifications it can take up to one minute from a print is ready before it is picked up by the remote client. With notifications the remote client will react and print immediately without delay. With notifications InterFormNG2 and the client will also use less resources to poll for new print requests for the remote client.
You can now start using the remote client in the workflow from the host, that is running InterFormNG2.
As of January 13, 2025, we are excited to announce that our new Help Center is in the final stages of development. While the Knowledge Base is already accessible, our current JIRA system will continue to manage support tickets during this transition period. For assistance with InterForm Output Management Software, please refer to the Support for InterForm Output Management Software.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance your support experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out via the existing support channels.
Best regards,
The InterForm Support Team