

When you merge an input document (either XML or a spooled file) with a template, then the merged result is stored in an internal format called intermediate.

This format contains a 'recipe' for the output pages.


This is one of the file types/payloads, that can be handled by the InterFormNG2 workflow.


The intermediate format can be generated with these two components:


From template to intermediate format

This component merge the input document in the payload with an InterFormNG2 template.


From ITPL to intermediate format

This merge the input document in the payload with an InterFormNG template. Please notice, that you do not need to specifically use this component, when you want to merge a document with an InterFormNG template into e.g. PDF, print or email. You can use the standard components: Create PDF fileCreate PDF email and Print for that.


The intermediate payload can be used as input for many workflow components, but these are especially relevant:


Create direct protocol

This outputs a payload, that is DP.


Create EML with PDF

This outputs a payload, that is EML.


Create PCL

This outputs a payload, that is PCL.


Create PDF

This outputs a payload, that is PDF.


Create ZPL

This outputs a payload, that is ZPL.

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