Spool2XML Export/Import

Spool2XML Export/Import

When you configure an XML definition you can setup multiple settings:


1.For the field of a record format you can setup the fields to be either: Deleted, a key or a Top key.

2.For the record formats you can setup the parent/child relationship (either a multiple child or a single child) to define a structure of the output XML file.


These settings are linked closely to the printer file, that you are handling in Spool2XML. If you e.g. want to copy the same configuration to a new printer file or to a new machine, then you consider the export and import option of Spool2XML as it can export and import the settings mentioned above.



Export XML definitions in Spool2XML

You can export XML definitions in Spool2XML if you select option 2. Work with XML definitions. Now you see the screen below:



          Work with xml definitions                                    XDF300D 


 Position to . . . . . .                Printer file                           


 Type options, press Enter.                                                    

   2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   12=Record formats                

   14=Parent child relationship   15=Display keys   17=Export                  


 Opt  File        Library     Description                                      

      AM64MRP1    IFORMDEV    CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORTID:1  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORTID:2  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORT0001  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     KSE_HIGH    CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     KSE_HIGH¤   CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     PRODNY      CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     VERSION 2.  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG402PR     KSE_HIGH    CVTPRTFXML                                       





 F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F8=Import   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel        



On the screen above you can select option 17 for one of the XML definitions (printer files). After pressing Enter you will see this screen:



                     Export xml definition(s) (XDF300EXP)                     


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


 Printer file to export . . . . . > AM64MRP1      Character value              

 Printer file library . . . . . . > IFORMDEV      Character value              

 Export all definitions in lib.     *NO           *NO, *YES                    

 Export savf name . . . . . . . .   EXPORT        Character value              














 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display   

 F24=More keys                                                                 



The printer file/XML definition is fixed, but you set set these options:


Export all definitions in lib.

With this setting you can decide, if you only want to export this specific printer file/XML definition or all printer files/XML definitions, that are placed in the same library as the selected printer file.


Export savf name

The definition(s) will be saved into a normal save file. Here you are prompted for the name of this save file. The save file will be created in the IFORMNG2 directory (fixed) and it will overwrite any existing file with the same name.




Import XML definitions in Spool2XML

You can import XML definitions in Spool2XML if you select option 2. Work with XML definitions. Now you see the screen below:



          Work with xml definitions                                    XDF300D 


 Position to . . . . . .                Printer file                           


 Type options, press Enter.                                                    

   2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   12=Record formats                

   14=Parent child relationship   15=Display keys   17=Export                  


 Opt  File        Library     Description                                      

      AM64MRP1    IFORMDEV    CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORTID:1  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORTID:2  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     EXPORT0001  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     KSE_HIGH    CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     KSE_HIGH¤   CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     PRODNY      CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG401PR     VERSION 2.  CVTPRTFXML                                       

      NG402PR     KSE_HIGH    CVTPRTFXML                                       





 F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F8=Import   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel        



With F8=Import you can import an export file (created in Spool2XML), that is placed in the /IFORMNG2 directory in the IFS:



                     Import xml definition(s) (XDF300IMP)                     


 Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


 Savf from IFORMNG dir  . . . . .                 Character value              

 Overwrite if printerFile exist     *NO           *NO, *YES                    
















 F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display   

 F24=More keys                                                                 



The fields on the screen are these:


Savf from IFORMNG dir

Here you state the name of the save file (placed in the IFS inside /IFORMNG2), that you want to import from.


Overwrite if printerFile exist

If you set this option to *YES, then any existing printer file/XML definition with the same name(s) will be overwritten during import.

If this is set to *NO and one or more of the printer files/XML definitions already exist, then the import stops with an error.

    Notice: Help Center Transition Update

    As of January 13, 2025, we are excited to announce that our new Help Center is in the final stages of development. While the Knowledge Base is already accessible, our current JIRA system will continue to manage support tickets during this transition period. For assistance with InterForm Output Management Software, please refer to the Support for InterForm Output Management Software.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to enhance your support experience. If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to reach out via the existing support channels.

    Best regards,
    The InterForm Support Team

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