Advanced workflow components
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Advanced Debugging workflow components
The advanced debugging workflow components are: 1.Debug headers. This component outputs all meta data keys into the debug log. 2.Delay 30 seconds. This component delays the current workflow with 30 seconds.
Advanced Converter workflow components
The advanced converter workflow components are these: 1.Change payload encoding. Changes the encoding of the payload in the current workflow. 2.Split XML. Splits up the XML in the payload and executes the sub workflow for each new XML. 3.XSL ...
Advanced Other workflow components
The list of advanced other workflow components is: 1.AS400 Print Attribute Options. Use this to set various spooled file attributes of the merged spooled file on the IBM i platform. 2.Change attributes of spooled file. Use this component to change ...
Advanced Special workflow components
The advanced special workflow components are: 1.Delayed email cancel key. Use this component to set a unique value for the cancel key for a delayed email. 2.Enrich XML from database. This can be used for adding data found in an external database into ...
Advanced Output workflow components
The advanced output workflow components are: 1.ActiveMQ send message. Sends a message to an ActiveMQ message queue. 2.IBM MQ send message. Sends a message to an IBM message queue. 3.Index data. Creates an index XML file e.g. for archiving. 4.Save in ...