You might need to create a keystore on the Windows platform e.g. for the preview client or the remote client. This is covered below in details.
•Start a command prompt. You can e.g. do that by searching for an app with the name cmd.
•Change the directory to where you want to create the keystore file. This could e.g. be in the directory: C:\ProgramData\InterFormNG2, but NEVER inside any of the InterFormNG2 data- or program directories as a future upgrade might move or delete the keystore file.
•Create the keystore file with the command:
keytool -genkeypair -alias previewclient -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore previewclient.jks -validity 3650
In the command above the alias in the keystore is set to previewclient and the file, that is created is called previewclient.jks. The keystore is valid for 10 years.
•Reply to the questions for the keystore:
Make a note of the password you entered, as you need that when you refer to the keystore in InterFormNG2 both in the system setting and on the preview client.
In the example above you should refer to the keystore with the path: C:\ProgramData\InterFormNG2\previewclient.jks