Transforms library

Transforms library

Transforms library :

The transforms library contains the transform files, that have been uploaded into InterFormNG2.

You can see a list of all transform files in InterFormNG2, if you select the Library tab and inside of that the Transform folder/tile.

You can upload these kinds of transform files:


1.Xslt stylesheets (normail file extension is either .xsl or .xslt) to transform the contents of an input XML file into almost any other format. This includes another XML file, html and many other formats.

2.Xent files (normal extension is .xent). You can use Xent files to add additional data via SQL into your workflow. The Xent file must be prepared for either XML files or spooled files.

3.XSD files. They can be used for XSD validation of XML files.

4.Spooled file extractor files (.sfe).

Xslt stylesheets :

Xslt stylesheets can be used in InterFormNG2 in order to transform an XML file into another XML or into many other formats including html and text format.


You can refer to this external link for a general introduction of xslt stylesheets.


The transformations can be executed in a workflow in the two workflow components:


XSL transformation and Transform or split.


An example of how you can combine a split of an XML file with transformations is included here.


If you want to add additional data to an XML file or spooled file, then you should refer to this section.


Xent files :

If you want to add additional  data into a work file in InterFormNG2 via SQL, then you should consider to define an Xent file to define SQL lookups for that.


The Xent files should be uploaded to the transforms library.


If you want to add additional data into XML files, then you should refer to this section.


The Xent/SQL option for spooled files is covered here.


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